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Sunday 3 May 2015

Journals: 5 Reasons Why You Should Start One Today

Here's the deal. We all want to improve ourselves We all want to achieve something. We all want to grow. I've said it time and time again, the only way we're going to improve, achieve, or grow is by learning.

Photo by Ray Dumas Posted under Creative commons

Life is full of lessons. Nearly everyday there is a moment that teaches us something new. Whether its about how the world works, how people work, how we work, or that mitochondria is the powerhouse of the cell, there is always something new to digest. 

I'm 28. That's 10,448 days I've been alive. Over ten thousand lessons potentially learned. But there's a problem. The human mind is fallible. We forget things all the time. Even walking through a door makes us forget. How do we slow this process and ensure we're learning and internalizing as much as we can?

We start a journal.

Journals are a fundamental part of the learning process.  They are logs of how we've felt, what we experienced, questions that plague us. They help us internalize and realize who we are. If this isn't enough for you here are 5 more reasons YOU should start journalling. 

1. To capture your brilliant ideas. 

How often have you had an amazing idea only to forget it the next day? I know I've had countless ideas lost to the empty void of forgetfulness. Even though our brilliance may turn out to be bunk by later accounts, writing them down helps us remember and examine them. Why waste time trying to remember your ideas when you have a useful reference to grab at anytime?

2. It release your mental clutter and improves mental clarity. 

Journal writing is extremely well placed to unclutter your mind. Whenever you're dealing with a problem, emotional or otherwise, writing it down frees your precious brain from storing the problem. It's stored in a convenient journal, freeing your mind to work on solving your problem. Not merely looking at it day to day. 

3. It allows us to track our growth. 

Last week, I wrote about three questions you should ask yourself everyday. Three questions that when asked can help your self reflection and track if you're on the correct path. By writing out your answers, you have a clear record of how you've lived every day. This way you can either hold yourself accountable or give yourself the credit you deserve. 

4. It improves your health. 

Studies have shown that writing helps us deal with stressful or traumatic experiences. Not only mentally, but also physically. It's literally taking a giant weight off of our shoulders. In today's age we tend to bottle up a lot of what's bothering us, especially men. We don't want to burden others with our woes however, we can burden our piece of paper and free our minds for a little while. 

5. It leaves a legacy. 

One day when you're old and forgetful, your children and your grandchildren will want to know how you lived your life. Through out life and as we age, we forget thousands of details. Of course we remember the big events, but to our loved ones the little things matter. They'll want to know about the dreams, fears, and problems of people living in 2015. They'll want to know what questions you were asking at their age.

And who knows, maybe you'll become famous and millions will want to learn your wisdom and how you dealt with your life. 

How do I start?

We know how hard it is to start a journal. Especially when you're staring at a blank page wondering what to write. The key is to literally start writing. Anything, just let the words flow out however random they may seem. You'll be able to refine your method as you grow in journal writing. 

If you don't feel comfortable writing this way and need some guidance, we've created a nice journal template. The template includes the three daily questions, a mood tracker, and a place for you to write questions, ideas, and thoughts. It is a simple and easy way to get your mental ball rolling. 

You can download the word .doc here or a .pdf version here


I will leave you with this challenge. Start writing a journal today and keep one for at least a week. I guarantee you this will be all the time you'll need to realize it's benefits. 

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